Home > How-To > Getting Started > Key Concepts > Attributes


Normal HTML tags have attributes to control their formatting and behavior. The same is also true of WebOnTheFly tags.

(This topic is for designers only. You must log in as a designer to see the article.)

Design Notes

In the following example, bgcolor is an attribute of the "body" tag. This attribute is used to set the background color for the page.

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

The cf_OnTheFly tag uses attributes in the same way. Some of them control the behavior of the module. For example, the following tag incorporates the Nav module and instructs it to show a label and teaser for each link:

<cf_OnTheFly module="Nav" show="Label,Teaser">

Other cf_OnTheFly attributes control the formatting of the module's display. Here, we'll add some formatting to our example:

<cf_OnTheFly module="Nav" show="Label,Teaser" tag="p align=left" labeltag="b" teasertag="font size=-1">

Now, the module will put each link inside a left-aligned paragraph, each clickable label will be bold, and additional teaser text will be one font size smaller than the browser's default.

Each module has its own attributes, so for more detailed instructions, look in the 'Quick Reference' section for the specific module you need.

At right are attributes that are used in most or all of WebOnTheFly's modules...


(REQUIRED) Specifies which module is to be used


(REQUIRED IF MODULE APPEARS MULTIPLE TIMES) When the same module occurs more than once on the same template, the 'name' attribute distinguishes them from one another.


Allows you to send most standard text-formatting HTML tags to a module or an element in the module.