Home > Quick Reference > Express Modules > Calendar > name


(REQUIRED IF MODULE APPEARS MULTIPLE TIMES) When the same module occurs more than once on the same template, the 'name' attribute distinguishes them from one another.

Design Notes

If the same module is included more than once in the same template, name each instance of the module to distinguish them. For example, you might have two PickMenu modules in the same template – one called “mainmenu” and another called “featured articles”. These names are only visible to the webmaster, so you can name them whatever you wish.

If two modules in a template share the same name or are both unnamed, the same information will be shown in both. If you change the name of a module in a template, any page information that had already been associated with that module will be “orphaned”. If any other instance of the same module in that template is unnamed, the orphaned information may appear in that module.

Special Notes:
  • The name can only be 20 characters long
  • ColdFusion and MS-SQL (the database language) have certain reserved words that may not be used. To avoid the possibility of using reserved words, it is recommended that multiple-word names not include a space. (Example: use "EventDate" instead of "Event Date"